House Ōkami

Portrait of Toki, head of Okami


Ōkami is a Household in the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) dedicated to researching and recreating the life of medieval Japan. We get together to share ideas and knowledge, socialize, learn about Japanese language and culture, practice our skills and have a great time! We are part of the SCA Kingdom of Ealdormere (Ontario, Canada).

Portrait of Ming


In Ōkami you you can explore your inner Samurai, be a Sohei (warrior monk) or a Onna-bugeisha (warrior woman). You can portray the splendour of the Imperial Court through art, fashion and poetry. You can be an artisan and learn to make your own armour, traditional clothing or other crafts. You can portray any occupation that would have existed in Medieval Japan!

Okami processing in full armour with flags


In addition to our own get-togethers, we attend day events and longer camping events in the SCA. At these events we field our own team of armoured samurai warriors, fighting in tournaments, melee teams and even battles with hundreds of participants. Our fighting is done in full armour with rattan weapons and with strict safety measures in place. At camping events we try to recreate a historical Japanese war camp, with period tents, banners and jinmaku curtains to wall off our encampment. At these events you can really immerse yourself in history!

Portrait of Masako


In addition to fully armoured combat, members of Ōkami also take part in other forms of martial activities. Some compete in SCA Fencing, bringing honour and glory to Ōkami. Others specialize in Archery, whether shooting at targets for points, or joining their comrades in full armour on the battlefield. There are even thrown weapon competitions and siege machines used in war.

Portrait of Ishigane


Other activities include garment making, kumihimo (braid making), calligraphy, musical performance, story-telling, poetry, armour making, metal working, making musical instruments, gaming and sake brewing. Soon we will be adding taiko drum making and playing. In Ōkami you can explore many traditional arts and pastimes.